Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Helping Others in Their Time of Need

As I was on my way to an appointment that I had, I began to travel on the Madison bus when I saw and heard a guy talking about a situation that he was going through. He was saying that he stayed in a homeless shelter and the people in there had stolen some of his personal belongings. As the guy was talking, I noticed that his hand looked like they were freezing cold. I decided to give him my gloves. He asks me was I sure I wanted to give him my gloves? I told him, “Its ok. I have another pair at home.” He was very happy that I gave him the gloves.

While I was on the bus he started talking to me about more personal problems that he was going through, like not being able to see his kids and not having a place of his own. While he was talking about his problems, I was starting to fade away, to do a silent pray for him and the situation he is going through. Hearing about his situation made me think about when I was homeless in the cold not having a place to go to get warm. It made me felt misable and like nobody wanted me around. That made me start thinking about when I get back on my feet what I was going to do to try not to be homeless again.

Being able to give him the gloves, which wasn’t much, made me feel good that I was able to help someone to take care of themselves in their time of need. Helping others in their time of need is good because you don’t know when you might need help from others in your time of need. Because what you give to someone, even something as little as gloves, might be a whole lot to that person.



  1. That was good you gave him your pair of gloves so he could keep his hands cold and you will get your blessings

  2. Great writing Derrick. How kind of you to help out like that.
