Thursday, January 30, 2014

A Friend in Need

I am the type of person that always helps out when someone needs me.

Just about two weeks ago, I helped out this girl named Shay. I bought her groceries when she didn’t have anything to eat. When I was shopping for me and my kids, I went shopping for her too.  I went to the grocery store and I told her I am going to bring her three bags back. So, I did because I felt like that she wanted me to and I was helping her out. When I told her that I’m going to bring her groceries, she was like “okay.” I helped out because I am that type of person. Later, she needed tissue, so I had to get her tissue, soap, as well. She has a job and receives child support, but it didn’t matter to me. Everyone is not the same, but after I was helping her I felt good about it because I would not like for any children or child to go hungry.

So, one day I was just testing her to see if she will help me out. So, I asked her can she bring me back some ground beef from the store, so I can cook some tacos. I remembered that she always eats at my house, so I didn’t think it was a big deal to ask her to bring back the ground beef. However, she came back from the store and told me she forgot the ground beef! I told her I didn’t need it because I had stared to cook the chicken anyway and she was like “okay.”

As I help out people, I look at it like it is a blessing. I had to tell her about it, “it is okay to help you out, but I cannot do it all the time.” She got mad and I did not care because I felt like she was using me and she knew it because she had her baby to ask me for something to eat. What I did was fix her baby something to eat at my house. Shay asked why didn’t I send it downstairs to her house and I told her I only looked out for the baby. And she got mad. So, now she doesn’t talk to me or call me. However, the important thing is that I felt good all the times when help her out.    
