Thursday, January 30, 2014

A Friend in Need

I am the type of person that always helps out when someone needs me.

Just about two weeks ago, I helped out this girl named Shay. I bought her groceries when she didn’t have anything to eat. When I was shopping for me and my kids, I went shopping for her too.  I went to the grocery store and I told her I am going to bring her three bags back. So, I did because I felt like that she wanted me to and I was helping her out. When I told her that I’m going to bring her groceries, she was like “okay.” I helped out because I am that type of person. Later, she needed tissue, so I had to get her tissue, soap, as well. She has a job and receives child support, but it didn’t matter to me. Everyone is not the same, but after I was helping her I felt good about it because I would not like for any children or child to go hungry.

So, one day I was just testing her to see if she will help me out. So, I asked her can she bring me back some ground beef from the store, so I can cook some tacos. I remembered that she always eats at my house, so I didn’t think it was a big deal to ask her to bring back the ground beef. However, she came back from the store and told me she forgot the ground beef! I told her I didn’t need it because I had stared to cook the chicken anyway and she was like “okay.”

As I help out people, I look at it like it is a blessing. I had to tell her about it, “it is okay to help you out, but I cannot do it all the time.” She got mad and I did not care because I felt like she was using me and she knew it because she had her baby to ask me for something to eat. What I did was fix her baby something to eat at my house. Shay asked why didn’t I send it downstairs to her house and I told her I only looked out for the baby. And she got mad. So, now she doesn’t talk to me or call me. However, the important thing is that I felt good all the times when help her out.    


Thursday, January 23, 2014

My Best Friend Jennifer

In November 1999, I started a new job at Bally’s Total Fitness. I worked the front desk as a receptionist, swiping all the customers into the club, and answering the phones. So, one day a customer came into the club. We were laughing and talking about shopping. We hit it off well and quickly became good friends.  We are very similar both of us are nice and loving people. After a while, I met her family and she met mine.

We did almost everything together; we went to dinner once a week to Baker’s Square. We ate the same thing every time. We had pasta, French fries, and apple pie a la mode. We would go shopping on our days off. What is great about my friend is if I did not have enough money she would pay for my purchase. And that is how it went, she never asked me to pay it back. I can remember calling her one day to ask if she could loan me fifty dollars for my light bill and she gave it to me and she would always tell me don’t worry about it. So, when she calls me for anything, I go and do it, even now. And guess what? She is my cat’s godmother!

We still see each other, but not as much since I’ve moved to the city. She still lives in Evanston in my old apartment. We talk almost every day on the phone. Over the years, we’ve had our ups and downs, but we always made up and started talking again.

Recently, we had gone a while without talking. Then she called me in December and said she needed to tell me something important. So, I said, “tell me what is it?”

She said, “I am having a baby.”

So, I said, “No! You’re lying!”

Her reply was, “Yes, I am having a baby!”

So, I asked “How far along are you?”

She said, “three months.”

I am excited for her because she will be a great mother. She is a really great friend also. Jennifer is my best friend we have laughed together, cried together and I wouldn’t change that at all. If you have a best friend hold on to them, because a good friend is hard to find these days and make sure you tell them you love them and mean it.


A True Best Friend

One of my best friends that I have known all of my life is Mandy. We met up in kindergarten and started talking to each other and playing with one another. Ever since then, we became best friends. We stayed in the same building together. We were always going outside with each other and going up to each others house to play together.  

Ever since then, every time we went to another grade we were in the same class together. Every grade we passed up until we got grown and we still talk to one another, hang out with each other, we watch each other kids for each other. Whenever we need a favor from one another -- if she got it she will give it to me and if I got it I will give it to her.

When I was about 23, she let me stay with her because I didn’t have a place. I stayed with her and her mother. Everywhere they moved, I moved with them. And now, if she needed a place to go, she knows she always welcome into my house and she can stay as long as she wants. I will never tell her to move because she never told me I had to go. She said I could stay as long as I wanted.

One of the reason she is a good friend is because she is truthful and speaks her mind about how she feels. She doesn’t hold it in. Another reason why I say she is a good friend is she has a good heart.  Anytime you need her for something, like moving in with her or asking for money, if you don’t have it she will help you. If you are her friend she will let you move in with her or let you borrow the money because she doesn’t want her friends to be out in the street like that or without any money. If she has to borrow from one of her relatives, she will, just to give it to you. That’s why I say she has a good heart.

Another reason I say she is a good friend is because she is kind. She will give the world to her friends if she has it and she won’t let anyone talk about them either. Another reason why I say she is generous is because if I told her I was getting put out of my apartment, she would come and rescue me and take me into her apartment. If she didn’t have any room she would take me to her mother’s house and ask her mother if I could stay there with her. She wouldn’t leave me in the street or nothing. She will ask around until I found another apartment or somewhere else to go.

Mandy came to my house the other day to come and see me. We sat in the house for a little while and she ate and then we went outside together we rode around for a little while. We still go out to places -- like taking our kids out to the park or other places like Chuck E Cheese or we will find a babysitter and we will just go out and have fun with one another.

The last time I saw her was last week. She came over to my house to spend time with me because we haven’t seen each other for a while, but we still talk on the phone.

What someone can learn from my experience of being her friend is that she is a good friend of mine and she is nice and sweet. It is important to have good friends because they will always be there when you need them.


Wonderful Christmas Day with my Family

On Christmas day, I woke my daughter Latange up and watched her open her gifts. She had received nine baby dolls, some clothes, P.Js, and much more. We played all day listening to Christmas music, playing games, and watching Christmas movies. I watched to see how she felt about what she got for Christmas. I had to save money to get her presents, and it was not easy. It was difficult because I had to pay the phone bill and also needed to save money to move to a new place. But I did it and that made me feel happy. I felt good about myself because she knows that I care about her.

About 2pm, I went to my Auntie’s house and helped cook Christmas dinner for the rest of my family. I cooked some greens, ham, dressing, sweet potatoes and much more…  We talked about the old days when we lived in the old Rockwell Gardens building and we all had fun. It made me happy that all my family was here with me and cared about me. I will never forget this Christmas!


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Helping Others in Their Time of Need

As I was on my way to an appointment that I had, I began to travel on the Madison bus when I saw and heard a guy talking about a situation that he was going through. He was saying that he stayed in a homeless shelter and the people in there had stolen some of his personal belongings. As the guy was talking, I noticed that his hand looked like they were freezing cold. I decided to give him my gloves. He asks me was I sure I wanted to give him my gloves? I told him, “Its ok. I have another pair at home.” He was very happy that I gave him the gloves.

While I was on the bus he started talking to me about more personal problems that he was going through, like not being able to see his kids and not having a place of his own. While he was talking about his problems, I was starting to fade away, to do a silent pray for him and the situation he is going through. Hearing about his situation made me think about when I was homeless in the cold not having a place to go to get warm. It made me felt misable and like nobody wanted me around. That made me start thinking about when I get back on my feet what I was going to do to try not to be homeless again.

Being able to give him the gloves, which wasn’t much, made me feel good that I was able to help someone to take care of themselves in their time of need. Helping others in their time of need is good because you don’t know when you might need help from others in your time of need. Because what you give to someone, even something as little as gloves, might be a whole lot to that person.


Helping a Friend in Need

When I moved on the north side of Chicago, I found out one of my friends that I had gone to high school with was staying in the building next door to me. We became friends again. We started catching up on what things we had going on in our lives.

She had two kids, like me, and was a single mom like me too. It was nice having someone to talk to because I’m not a real big people person. I don’t really hang out anymore because I have two kids. But she would always need me for something. Sometimes it was food, money or something for the kids, but it made me feel good when I could help her and the kids, because I know where I have been. On the other hand, I would never ask her for anything, because I really didn’t need to.

I have a good heart and I only did what God would want us to do; help one another when we can. I’m a single mom. We are still neighbors to this day and I still try to help when I can. God said, “help people when you can and you will be blessed.” 



A few days after Christmas, I bought clothes and shoes for my nieces and nephews. I did it to be nice, because my sister lost her money. She lost her money at Walmart so her kids didn’t have anything for Christmas. I went to the mall, and they had good sales. I found boots and clothes for the kids. They were happy! I was happy to help them have a good Christmas.


One Summer Day in the Park

It is very important to spend time with someone special. My mom was very inspirational and she taught me many things. My mom asked me to move to Holland, MI to live with her because she was not well, and I wanted to go. I decided to move there in the year of 2002, to help take care of her. Moving there made life better for me.

One summer day when my mom was feeling well, I thought she may like to have lunch by the lake. It was a beautiful day to go Lake Michigan and then take her to her favorite restaurant McDonald's. My mom loved cheeseburgers.  We went to the beach to have lunch by the warm lake, and the trees were swaying slow, and gracefully.

It was a Saturday afternoon and at the end of the day my mom told me she had a great day. I enjoyed sitting there talking about old times and listening to her talk about the things she did when she was younger. I asked her if she wanted to ride around the park longer, and she said yes. My mom has passed since then and I am amazed at the things she taught me and the things she said.


Thursday, January 16, 2014

Helping Hand

The time that I did something that made me feel good about myself was when I let my cousin come into my apartment and stay. She is not staying in there forever; she is only staying for a period of time until she finds her somewhere else to stay. Why did I let her stay with me? Because she didn’t have anywhere else to go, and when she had her apartment she let me come over and spend a couple of nights at her house. However, she didn’t let me move in.The reason she needs a place to stay is because she lost her apartment and she couldn’t find anywhere else to go. So, she asked me if she could come to my house and I told her, yes she can come and stay.

When will she move out? I don’t really know yet. She says she is looking for an apartment or a shelter, but she is always saying a date and when the time comes she doesn’t leave. She either says the shelter doesn’t have any beds or when she looks for an apartment they want too much for rent. I think other people could learn from my experience is that don’t let people with you any longer than they say, because when they say one thing it doesn’t happen so you have to wait until they find somewhere else to go.

Even though this has been difficult, it makes me feel good because I let her come into my apartment when she didn’t have anywhere else to go. So, I let her come into mine and she is homeless.


Wednesday, January 15, 2014


The first time I was on a plane was in August 2001. I went to Hollywood, Florida for my birthday. I was invited by one of my friends and her family. The day of my flight I had some breakfast, checked and made sure I had everything needed for my trip. My mother picked me up to take me to the airport. Once I arrived there, I checked in, sat there for about half hour or so, had some coffee while I waited. But deep down inside I was scared, but the ticket was paid for already so there was no backing down now. So the time came to board the plane and I had a window seat, it was scary sitting by the window and the lady next to me did not want to change seats with me at all, but she wanted the shade to stay up. We finally landed in Florida about 12:30 pm. While there, I stayed with some friends. The next day we went to the malls and ate some great food. We also rode the train.  It was very fast. The only thing that I do not have from this trip is pictures. I did not have a camera, that sucks. So when you decide to fly on a plane for the first time go ahead, sit by the window. Because it is a great way to get over the fear of flying .The funny thing about it was I had a window seat the flight home. So now whenever I go somewhere I fly and have a window seat.


Learning to Drive

Two years ago in the spring time my kids and I were over at my sister’s house hanging out. We were laughing and joking about our kids and how we can’t wait for them to drive. My niece was sitting on the bed and said, “Mom can you teach me how to drive?” My sister was like, “that’s what driver’s ed is for.” We laughed. Tania was like “mom for real.” Takka said no because it is stressful teaching someone to drive. So, Tania looked at me. “Auntie Michell, can you teach me?”  The look on my face was like, girl please, but my mouth said, “Yeah, I’ll teach you. It’s nothing.”
So, we went out at 2:30 in the morning. “Tania, the 1st step is to check your mirror,” I told her. “Next, put your seat belt on.”
“Auntie Michell, what about the music?”
“What about it?” I said.
 “Don’t you think we need it?”
 By that time Tania was giving me a major headache. So, I said that was enough for today. On the way home, I was trying to teach her the importance of driving. And it’s going to take a period of time to learn, for instance: “Tania, it took me a year to learn how to drive”.
 So, over the next two months, Tania was so negative about driving like wanting the music on while driving, not wanting to stay in the parking lot, not listening to me about when to stop or back up. So for a while I stop teaching her how to drive. So when we got back to my sister’s house my niece starts telling my sister what happened by exaggerating the whole story. By the following spring time in April, I was ready to teach her again.  It was somewhat of a tradition for the women to teach the kids to drive in our family. So, I was back on road, “FOR NOW”.

So this time instead of putting her right in the car I did what my mom did to us when teaching us to drive. We made cars out of chairs. Of course, Tania had issues about it. So we stopped. Now two years later she still can’t drive, so I’m thinking about taking her out again. It was nice at first getting to know my teenage niece. I will never teach anybody else. My sister was right; teaching somebody is “VERY STRESSFUL!”


Something That Made Me Feel Good About It.

It was about six years ago I had the opportunity to advocate for a young mother and her six children to find housing. She was a victim of Domestic Violence that’s how we came to know one another. She didn’t have anywhere to go with her children and finding housing was very hard. Due to the nature of her case we had to try every resource that was given to us. It seemed like the leads we’d get were useless. Some days I would stay late after work trying to find resource with no avail. My client was afraid that The Department of Children and Family Services would step in and remove her children from her.

Then one day I was talking with another one of my co-workers about my case and she said that she might have something that might possibly help. That was music to my ears. It was nearing Thanksgiving and I wanted my client to have a good holiday. I followed up with the lead that was given to me. I spoke with a service provider, his name was Mr. B, and he said that he didn’t have anything at that time. He said to call back in a week, so I did, but he was out on vacation for two week. That made me so MAD! I kept calling once a week and one day I spoke to a lady named Sue. She asked how could she help, I gave her a history of my client and how many children were involved.  She asked how large of an apartment would she need. I told her, and she said that they may have something coming up soon. That made me so HAPPY!!! I screamed in the phone. I was happy for my family. Sue didn’t say that she could get the apartment, but when I finished she was convinced that my client needed that apartment.  I had a hard time finding housing for this family. Being a go-between in the system of bureaucracy made me realize that the system can be challenged. 


Helping Others

Has anyone ever told you it’s always nice to help? You never know what’ll happen until you try. It’s important and healthy. Not only to the person in need but you’ll feel better!

To help is to relieve, to serve & provide. I have always been “The Helper”. It’s in me to help. I go about my day helping others morning, noon and night. Even with small things. I can’t exactly pin point one “Good Thing.” How? It’s so much I can’t just give you one but I’ll give a few. I do much as I can in fact I overwork myself for someone else. For instance, me doing things for someone when I know I have to be somewhere or hurting myself in the process of helping somebody.

I go about my day helping others, from the morning to night. I even get awakened out of my sleep. I help my sister with her laundry, why? She works a 12hr shift & she’s worn out & I even cook for her sometimes. For my grandmother, I run her errands & I mean just about everything: her bills, laundry, food, store runs—you name it, I’ve done it. I am the muscle around the house: the creator, cook, nurse, technician, librarian, mom, and teacher. I am all those things in one! I am the helper.

Now that was just house related help! When I get outside I give to strangers, I help folks with grocery bags, holding the door. One day I was on my feet all day and the bus took about 30 minutes to arrive, I hadn’t even sat down for a minute before an elderly woman came on the bus. I gave my seat up. Then some children got on the bus afterwards, so basically I stood up the entire 20 minute ride.

But it goes further than just physically helping another. There are words you can use to help someone feel good about themselves. They could’ve been through something so awful. For instance, when I had this mean scar (present now), someone told me that they loved my beauty mark. I stood in awe, like huh? But he touched his jaw and it reassured me that he was talking about my scar. It made me feel better. You don’t always have to do, just say!

Knowledge is power; it’s the key to life. Why? If you know better you’ll do better! There was a bulletin about helping others. Maybe one of these years I’ll create a fraternity for helping those in need. Or maybe write a book about helping others, being an author is something to work on. Real or fiction, it gives an outlook on life. My earnings will go to my fraternity that helps the needy.

All in all, one leads & two shall follow! If you take a chance to do one good deed a week? Maybe the next week you can do more than just one. Then someone like your sister or husband noticed that you are conscientious about your act and they followed. “Don’t underestimate the power of small good deeds”!


Don't Judge a Book By Its Cover

                There was a homeless man I helped, because I thought in my mind, “what if that was me, I would want someone to help me.” I went to that bus stop every morning going to work; he was always there. I really started feeling like this could happen to anyone. He begged everyone, asking for a dollar to buy a cup of coffee from the restaurant across the street. So, I went and bought him a cup of coffee.
                The next day, I brought him some soup in a bowl that stays warm, an old thermal shirt I had, and plastic spoon. I told him to keep the bowl and spoon in his bag. This was Mon through Fri that I saw this man I kind of felt like I could make just a little difference in his life. So on a Saturday, I went up there brought him breakfast and a blanket; I even talked with him for a while.
                We started talking about shelters somewhere he could get warm. Eventually, he told me a little about why he was homeless. He started by telling me his name, Johnathan. He told me he used to have his own place and a job. While he was working his mother passed and his sister took over his mother’s house and her and her children and her boyfriend moved in. Shortly after his mother’s death, he lost his job and his place, so he moved in with his sister. Then, Johnathan and his sister’s boyfriend had lots of disagreements, and one day he jumped on Johnathan. So, he no longer felt safe there and he left, with nowhere to go he ended up sleeping in the park and has been out ever since.
                Our conversations and bringing him things that I thought he might need started to make me feel good and he made me feel special, because he looked for me and greeted all the time. Lesson learned. “Don’t judge a book by its cover!” Johnathan was a very intelligent person, spoke proper English and I was surprised why he chose the street.
One morning, I went to the bus stop and I was bringing him something to eat, and he wasn’t there.  I’ve never seen him again. I really started to miss him. I always wonder, “is he all right?” I hope he’s fine. Sometimes it’s all right to help people.


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A Happy Student at FAST West

The happiest day of my life was going back to school after having my baby. One of the reasons it was a good day was seeing my favorite teacher in the whole world, Mr. Nathan, because he’s fun. Plus, he teaches reading in his own special way. Then there is Mr. Ben who teaches math and he teaches that in a special way too. They are helping me move more and more close to taking the test.
It makes me happy to come to school and everyone greets me with so much love. The people upstairs at the front desk greet me too. Then there are the people that help people find housing and much more; they also greet me. My teachers and their coworkers make people feel important and wanted, and that we can do whatever we put our minds to. They even give us bulletins for jobs housing and more things that are healthy for their students. I am so happy when there are no absences and everyone is in class ready to work and help one another.
To my knowledge being at FAST west is the happiest and most peaceful place. Even when I graduate I would still like to come back to FAST west at 10 S. Kedize. That’s what makes me happy because they are so inspirational and peaceful at FAST west. I think I would like to help out after I pass my test. That’s what makes me happy having people help me then coming back help others to pass their test. 



I was very happy when I first got my cat Sabastian. He was very small and had big ears. We lived in Evanston in a small basement apartment. Every time I went to and came home from work he was waiting at the door for me. And that made me feel real good, because once I sat down he would jump up on my lap and sit.
About fourteen years ago, I got him from one the members at Bally’s Total Fitness where I worked. We became good friends and I started cat sitting for the family when they would go out of town. So one day her cat got out of the house and came back and the family found out that she was having kittens.
Time went by and she had four kittens three girls and one boy who was the smallest. The girls looked like their mother. They were the same color and the boy was different, orange and white. My friend asked if I would like to have one of the kittens when they were born and I said yes. After eight weeks he came home to me and I was happy. The family gave me food for him that would last for six months and he had his shots also. 
He made me happy every time I saw his little face. He made worry sometimes because he didn’t look like he was growing, but today he is big and healthy and still keeping me happy. If I had to do it all over again I would.


Monday, January 13, 2014


Welcome to FAST West's student writing blog!

This is a showcase of the work West's GED class has done.