Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Writing is what I struggled with for a long time. I would avoid writing at any cost. I have made many excuses when it came down to writing. But when I started attending FAST west learning center, I only needed twenty points on the GED test. My focus at the time was only passing science; I did not have to write at all.

I am now starting over; I now have to take the whole exam over. I can’t avoid writing at all now. So one day in class Mr. Nathan said today we will be writing a narrative essay as soon I heard him say that right away I begin to say I can’t do it. So, he sat me down and encouraged me that I could do it. I sat there and sat there feeling defeated in my mind; unable to put the words in my head on paper. But guess what I surprised myself I was able to write my first essay, then another one and another one. I am ok with writing now. I am still learning.

I have overcome my writing block because there are such great teachers here at FAST west that will not let you give up on yourself and they do not give up either. They will sit with you explain step by step until you get. Now I can feel better when I am writing now and knowing that the test won’t be as hard as it seemed in the past. I can finely stop saying what I can’t do and just do it and not make any room for excuses. THANK YOU SO MUCH Mr. Nathan for believing in me.

 I didn't know that I had the ability to write.  With help and practice it has shown me that I can do anything. Only if you just try it and if you can’t figure it out, just ask for help and know you can overcome anything if you put your heart and mind to work. 


1 comment:

  1. Absolutely. I love seeing how your attitude about writing has changed!
