Wednesday, February 5, 2014

My Friend Jessica

It’s amazing how some friendships are made. How a friend can have a big impact on your life. Like Jessica and I. We’ve been living near each other for about ten years, but we never met. Today, we are the best of friends. We have been for seven years now.

Our friendship is miraculous. How it became what it is today. I had seen her before, but yet we never met the whole time. We lived on the same block for a couple years. She stayed maybe six houses down from me. We attended the same elementary school. We both volunteered at Columbus Park. We even attended the same high school. We had mutual friends from both schools.

We finally met in high school, but not until the end of my sophomore year. We actually met outside of Michele Clark High School. My boyfriend (at the time) was her cousin. Jessica and I hung out with him and some other people a few times as a group. I am more into art and she was into partying. But, then she and I found common ground with music and family. That’s when our friendship begun!

The good thing about her, she helps me stay on track. I can be a tough cookie and hard to deal with. For instance, my attire, she helped me move from this boyish style to wearing dresses, heels and eyeliner. The very first time I wore a dress on my own was at the age of 16 ½. I never felt the need to look like a young lady. She indeed was a big impact on my life.  She helped me with school, daycare, and a job! She’s a shoulder to lean on and cry on. A person to talk with and chill to be girly girls. To tell my secrets, worries, dreams and funny things.

I am happy to have met Jessica. Who is Jessica? She is my best friend. She and I are crazy cool.  Dramatic, but who isn’t? She’s this and I’m that, but when you put us together were all that!



  1. Well done Tanyette. It's amazing to have close friends to help us through life.

  2. Tanyette, did Jessica read this yet?
