Thursday, March 13, 2014

The History of Shauntrell

January 22, 2007 was the day I found out that you would be a part of my life. I had no clue if you were a boy or girl. I was feeling all types of emotions in one. To my surprise, you were a baby boy. I came to the realization that you were a blessing. Nine months later… September 4, 2007, you were born at 8:38 pm. I didn’t have a clue of how to be a mother, let alone a good one. Every day I would ask you and God to “bear with me” and give me the patience and strength to get to know you and the ability to be the best mother I can.

You started walking, then talking. The first time I heard you say “mommy,” I knew then my prayers were answered. When I heard the words, “I Love You,” come from a person so small, I felt so proud of myself to have accomplished being a mother. Not knowing anything about you and learning everything about you. Even still you said those three words, “I Love You”.

Now it’s time to prepare you for the world outside of “Mommy”. I enrolled you in school. You weren’t ready for that, but I had faith in you. You cried your eyes out. I knew that was going to be temporary because you had never left my side before. Now you have grown into a smart, energetic, responsible, outspoken little boy whom I love more than life itself. Ironically, I was given the privilege of you being mine.


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