Monday, March 17, 2014

Admiring Nycole

I grew up living with my grandmother and aunt. My aunt was more like a sister to me. She was a provider for me in every way possible. She loved and protected me like I was her child. We argued, fought, laughed, cried and everything in between. For those reasons and more is why I admire my aunt.

Growing up whenever I needed anything she made sure I had it. If I needed someone to talk to about anything, she was my go to person. When I found out I was pregnant and scared to tell my mother or grandmother, I told my aunt. She told me not to worry and that she would help me with anything I needed help with. My grandmother would have advised I get rid of my child… something I didn’t want to do. When I was upset about something and didn’t have anyone to take my frustration out on, because I’m the only child, she was the only person I had to argue with. If I was hungry she cooked, I needed personals, clothes, and shoes etc. she brought them. She made sure I didn’t want or need for anything. She was my provider and everything to me all in one.

Even though she isn’t my biological mother she cared for me like she was. Something dealing with school that required a parent being present, she was the parent that came to the school. Telling me the ways of life and what to expect as an adult, she did that as well. She kept me from the wrong people, so I wouldn’t go down the wrong paths. In high school, I was arrested and given a ten day suspension for fighting with a classmate. She always told me “the people you think is your friend are not.” I found that to be true after that incident. I think naturally a person would have a mother’s instinct after caring and being around someone from birth until adulthood.

After her passing, I didn’t realize the impact she had on my life. I have never worked as hard or been as independent as I am now. I learned not to hold grudges. For instance, the day before she passed I was mad at her, and I went to her house cursed her out and left… That night she was rushed to the hospital and died at 9:38 pm, which was too soon for me to apologize, because now she’s gone. When she passed a big part of me left as well. As much as she got on my nerves when she was living it wrecking my nerves when she passed.

She provided for me. She showed me a mother’s love and taught me how to love someone else. For those reasons and more is why I admire my aunt. She was a very free hearted person. After her departure, I realized that you really never know what you have until it’s gone.


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