Monday, April 28, 2014

Diploma Required

I think a high school diploma or G.E.D should be required for all types of employment. The G.E.D requires the basic skills you use in your everyday life, such as math and reading. To become basically anything, you might need skills such as computer literacy or you might come across a math problem at the grocery store when working at the cash register.
            A lot of jobs, like plumbers or truck drivers, might seem like they should not require a high school diploma or a G.E.D.  However, these credentials can put you help you make more money. Becoming a truck driver requires having to use a computer to find the address, which the G.E.D also helps you learn. They need to pay attention to mileage when going out of town and need to know how much gas to put in, which is math. Becoming a nurse requires you to know math and science. Working at a grocery store requires math and reading. There’s really no job out there that doesn’t require some sort of secondary education. 
            The world gets more high-tech whether you like it or not. Some jobs later on might be only require machines, and people will be out of jobs. As those people are out looking for new jobs, they will require G.E.D or high school level skills. You might need to go to another job that is harder than the old one. Having a diploma or G.E.D will also help you earn more money. Having a diploma or G.E.D will not get you a job, but if you do get it your coworkers might make more than you.

            Yes, it will be more difficult and expensive, but it is an investment for your future. Everyday jobs need some type of education in this day and age. There’s going to be many obstacles in your life and might be harder to get jobs, and you could lose jobs to other people because of lack of education. That’s why having a diploma or G.E.D should be required for all types of jobs.


An Important American: Obama

Barack Obama is the most important American alive today. He can pass laws for the country.  He helps the people in need and he gave the country Obama care, for people without Medicaid. He helped the community with creating more jobs for the people and that is why I thing that Obama is the most important American alive today. 


Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Most Important American

In my opinion, the most important American right now is the president of the United States is Barack Obama. He is the first black president, and he is trying to make a difference in this world for us with better jobs, better schooling and better places to live. He is trying hard to change everything that’s been wrong in our country, and I believe he will make so many good things happen to come. Those are the reasons why Barack Obama is the most important American to our country.


No Diploma Requirement to Work

There are a lot of unemployed and homeless people in the United States. One reason is because there are a lot of jobs that required you to have a high school (HS) diploma or GED. I believe you shouldn’t need a HS diploma or GED in order to work a job.
A high school diploma or GED requires advance math and essay writing skills. Not all jobs need advance math and essay skills. For example, if you want to work at Mc Donald’s as a cashier, you don’t need advance math because the register does everything for you. Some people can know the job well already and don’t need a HS diploma or GED. For instance, if you want to work in a hair salon you don’t need a HS diploma or GED, you just need to know how to use your hands and braid. Likewise, a plumber just needs to know basic math and how to fix pipes. By getting rid of the HS diploma / GED requirement we can let skilled people receive a job, because some people just may want to work instead of going to school.

I believe everyone should be able to work with or without a HS diploma or GED. Not all jobs require advance math and essay skills, or other skills necessary to achieve the GED or high school diploma.


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Employment Requirement

Yes, I think a high school diploma or a GED should be required for all types of employment. The employer may need you to handle different situations that have nothing to do with your job description. A diploma or GED may be their way of being assured that you fully qualify for that and any other position presented to you.

Depending on the job or career you’re in you would want to be prepared for what the future holds for you at that company, whether it is everything being run by computers or manually. Having a GED or diploma would make the employer feel more comfortable about letting you excel in that position, as opposed to not having one and then they’ll have to spend more time in teaching you the requirements.

By proving or showing an employer that you have a diploma or GED is a sense of responsibility in the eye of the employer. It would open more doors financially. You would have a better chance at getting paid a better salary. Maybe even offered more positions, it also builds a level of trust for you and the employer. They’ll feel like you can complete any task they give you, without having to stand over you and watch your every move.  They are assured that you’re not a quitter. After all you have proved to them that you are capable of completing something without being supervised.

These are some of the reasons why I think a GED or high school diploma should be required for all types of employment.


The Most Important American

In my opinion I think the most important American alive is Oprah Winfrey. The reason I feel that way is because she went to Africa. She saw a lot of young girls in need of going to school, so she had a girls’ school built from the ground up. Oprah Winfrey also supplied the school with their own school supplies. She gave back to a lot of people. I once heard on the radio that a lady had emailed Oprah Winfrey and told her that her dress was nice it was worth a lot of money. The lady asked could she have the dress. Oprah Winfrey sent the dress to the young lady and she was so happy. For that reason that is why I think she is the most important American alive.


First Plane Ride

My friend called me and asked me if I wanted to come to Alabama for the weekend with him. I said yes. So I packed my bag and I told my sons that I was leaving for the weekend. I was in such a hurry I didn't pack very well, so I headed out the door. Before I could get out the door the lady that I was meeting at the airport was calling me every minute. I guess she wanted me to get there on time so I wouldn't miss my flight. When I got to the train station she called me again. I told her I was on the train already. When I got to the airport I didn't see her so I called her to see where she was, and I found her right away. So we hugged each other. We got something to eat before it’s time to get on the plane. When we got to security I didn't like taking off my shoes or belt. It was my first time riding on a plane. I was scared and excited. I didn’t know that I was getting on the plane. I thought I was going through a hallway until I saw the pilot in the window. Then I saw all the seats and people were sitting in their seats.  I got to my seat and sat down by this man. He knew I was nervous so he bought me a drink. He said, “You look like you needed a drink.” I said, “Yes thank you very much.” So we talked for two hours all the way there. He was very nice to me. He said, “It’s not that bad. Don’t think about you up in the air. Just think about you driving a car.” I got very relaxed after drinking and talking to him, and before I knew it we were landing in Alabama. Then we called our friend to come and pick us up at the airport. I was glad to see my friend. He gave me a hug and a kiss. Since I flew now I’m not scared to fly. Actually, I want to go somewhere else on a plane, maybe Vegas.


An Important American: Magic Johnson

The most important American alive today is Magic Johnson. Magic Johnson built schools all over the world to give students another chance, up to the age 21, to be able to finish school and earn their high school diploma. Magic Johnson is an AIDS survivor who came forward with his condition in a time when others were afraid to do so. His example has helped other people come forward and get help for any disease they have had. Magic proved to others that you can still move forward in life no matter what’s going on with you. Magic inspired young people to stay healthy and active. Magic has given back to people and places to help one another move forward. Magic Johnson is the most important American alive today.


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Shifting Opinions

There was a time when I shifted my opinion of someone when I relocated to a new building. I met this girl; her name was Shay. Shay was about 5’6” tall and weighed about 290 pound. I used to always talk to her. We used to go out places just her and me. We used to talk about a lot of stuff, like how I was doing in school and how was my day and I would ask her the same things like, how was work. Until one day Shay and I went out to eat and she was talking about people and I didn’t like that. And what made it so bad was that she would be talking with food in her mouth and being overdramatic. So, I let her know it’s not a good thing to talk about people. So, she got mad. She was so mad that we stopped talking to each other. I don’t think she can talk about anyone because she has an ill heart. Eventually, Shay and I started to talk again. I asked her, “Do you want to take the kids out to eat?” Shay would ask, “where will we be going out to eat?” She wouldn’t respond right away and instead would say, “I will let you know,” but that would never happen. I would just go out on my own without letting her know. Later, Shay would angrily say, “why didn’t you tell me?” I would respond with a big beautiful smile, but now I don’t offer to let her go out to enjoy the beautiful city with my kids and me.     
