Thursday, May 8, 2014

Should a person that’s younger than twenty one be able to drive?

There are many things that can happen when driving a car. There is a lot of responsibilities in taking care of it. A car may break down at any time, so you would need to have the money to take care of it. The expense can be tremendous, there are lots of accidents, and drive by shootings among young people.  Responsibility sometimes comes with age; that’s why I believe the driving age should be twenty one years of age.
The first reason that a young person should not be able to drive until they are twenty one is that they are dangerous drivers. I understand that when a person is young they have lots of energy to use, but it is very dangerous to use that energy on speeding in a car. Young people do not like to follow the speed limits. There have been so many deaths. Some young people like to text while driving, they also like talking on the phone when they are driving.
The second reason that young people should not be able to drive until they are twenty one is too, that driving is expensive. Driving a car can be expensive especially when you are young and going to school. Being a student and trying to take care of a car is not a good thing to do. Lots of parts of a car can go bad at any time. If you are a young driver, you probably cannot afford a new car. With being a student or having not landed a good paying job can be very hard. If there is an accident, the parents will have to pay for it. Being young is hard enough. One has to look out for their self. With all the things that’s happening in the world today having a car can be more of a problem. If a young person have children that they have to take care of

In conclusion, I think the driving age should be 21yrs, because at that age, he/she may be more responsible, and have had a chance of having a good job, or a career to pay for any damages that may occur.


Monday, May 5, 2014

Driving Age

“In the beginning of 2014 their  was  over 500 accidents caused by teens.” The amount of teens in traffic accidents can be avoidable. The driving age needs to be raised from 16 to 21. I believe teens should not drive at 16 because they think that their invincible and that the laws do not apply to them. Having to many people in the car is a distraction and texting is not good it takes their eyes and mind off driving.
However young people think that nothing can happen to them and that they have it altogether, know everything , and do not want to learn how to be a good citizen. For example my cousin you could not tell her anything about being in the car and driving safe. She always had and accident on the road, nothing bad but little finder benders. She would say that’s nothing. Now that she is older she drives more reasonable and with some sense. I believe if she would have waited until she was 21 years old it would have been much better.
Whenever young people put their friends in the car with them they will become districted, won’t keep their eyes on the road. Not paying attention to their surroundings. Just the other day I was watching a television commercial and it was about four friends driving in the car they were talking loud, one was texting and they went through the stop sign and everything went black. And when it came back on all the young people in the car was gone. I believe even when their driving by themselves they are not too responsible, because they tend to answer the phone, text and listen to loud music also.
So, In conclusion I really believe that the driving age should be 21 years old. Because at that age they are more responsible they pay attention, take precaution, and make better decision concerning their lives and others as well. For example my cousin has learned from her past. She is a better driver now, she pays attention. She has two children of her own now and is a great driver. So she thinks more than just herself their lives are important.


Friday, May 2, 2014

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Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Driving Age Should be Raised to 20

              5,000 teens in the age group 16 to 20 die each year from car accidents. These accidents would have been prevented if the driving age was higher. I think the driving age of 16 should be raised to age 20. It should be raised to 20, because at that age people are more mature than at age 16. If the driving age was raised to 20, teens would have 4 extra years’ experience. Also, statistics show that teens are the highest risk group to get into car accidents.
                The legal age for driving should be raised to 20 because of experience. If students start learning to drive at age 16, they’re in a rush to start driving and only have a couple of months to learn. I believe teens should at least get a couple of years of practice. That way they can learn way more than in just a couple months. Furthermore, learning that much in a certain amount of time cannot register and teens are likely to forget certain important things.
                If teens are not old enough to smoke or vote, why would people think it would be appropriate to drive with other lives at stake? For every mile driven, teens between the ages 16-19 are four times more likely to be involved in a car crash. A car crash kills a person every minute on an average in the United States 400,000 teens in the age group 16-20 are injured each year.
                I think age 20 is the appropriate age for people to start driving. 16 year olds are not matured enough to drive. The leading cause of driving accidents comes from age 16-19. At age 20, you are in college, have a job and are more focused on other things than 16 year olds. Therefore, 20 year olds know much better and know right from wrong in driving.


Should All Jobs Require a Diploma?

I do not think a high school diploma should be required for all jobs, because all teens who attend school have not yet received their diplomas. And, not everyone has a high school diploma or their GED.  Some employers should just assist employees who do not have their diplomas to get some classes to obtain one.
            There are high schools students who still attend school and are willing to work. If all jobs required a diploma, how could these teens get a job?  Also for the people who do not have a diploma, it would give them more stress when trying to get a job.
            If some employers require a high school diploma, they should at least help employees who do not have a high school equivalency to obtain one. I think giving the employees a chance of obtaining it would be beneficial for both employees and employers. It would benefit the employers, because they would not have to hire new workers. It will help the employees to improve their education and keep their jobs.

            In conclusion, I do not think all jobs should require high school diploma. I do not think it is fair for people who did not finish high school. If all jobs required diplomas, a lot of people would be jobless and stressed out. I believe some would give up. 


The Reason I Think 16 year Olds Shouldn’t Drive

I think 16 year olds are too young to drive in the city. People shouldn’t drive until 21 years old when they live in the city. Sixteen year olds have the highest risk of car crashes. They have a 40% increased risk of crashing than those persons age 20 to 24. Sixteen year olds don’t follow direction when they have 1 or more friends in the car with them. Also, teenagers are likely to play loud music or play on the phone sometimes sending or looking at text messages instead of paying attention to the road. Therefore, my opinion is that I think parents of teenagers in the city don’t take as much time teaching their kids how to drive as much as the parents down south do. I think the parents in the south have more time to help their teenagers learn more about the roads and rules. I also think the children down south have bigger road and more space to practice driving that is just my opinion. So, if you live in the city the driving age should be 21, but if you live down south it should stay 16.
